Press Release Makeovers:
The Cost-Effective Route to Media Coverage
If you can draft a mediocre press release, allow us to turn it into one with pizzazz and punch! This is the least expensive way to obtain a release that influences reporters, producers and editors to feature you or your organization.
Ordering a press release makeover, which costs just $195.00, is easy.
[If you’re a repeat visitor, you may go directly to the order form.]
Step 1. If you haven’t written a press release before, take a look at our sample release. Put contact information at the top. Then you’ll need a headline and a first paragraph that explain the basics of what you’re publicizing. Add a few more paragraphs elaborating on your theme, including a quote from you or someone in your organization. Put the practical details, including cost, dates and times and how people can learn more, in the last paragraph.
Step 2. Into the order form below, cut and paste your press release draft and provide the additional information requested. We need your phone number, time zone and email address where you can be reached in the next two business days to answer any questions we have for the press release.
Step 3. After you click off this page, you’ll be asked to submit your credit card information through our secure-server processing system. We’ll be in touch within two business days either with questions or with the rewritten release. Find information on distribution options here. That’s it!
Bonus! Bonus! Get a free four-month subscription to Bill Stoller’s monthly publication,Free Publicity, The Newsletter for PR-Hungry Businesses (worth $32.00) with your order of a press release makeover.
Questions? We have probably answered them in our handy-dandy FAQ.
“While other folks do press releases (for a lot more money), you impressed me with your desire to get a thorough understanding of what I was selling. In the future, I’ll search no further than PressReleaseHelp.com.” – Tamara Dorris, M.A., ASharpEdge.com
Order form for a press release makeover
With this form, you will order a press release makeover for $195.00. If you’d prefer us to write the release for you from scratch, click here.